Categories: Geography General, Hydrosphere
At her seminar, Christine Lloyd Staples was talking about zamzar and how it could sometimes be slow. No kidding. I put a film clip in here last night at ten-ish, and I'm still waiting for it. So, I've been forced into idea 5 for use of my youtube clip: 5) I used media converter, as suggested at the seminar, and it was far and away a quicker solution to getting clips downloaded. Big bonus that the school don't filter it as well, as they have started doing with zamzar. I now have my clip, and was looking to resize it a bit, so... 6) I have inserted the clip into a powerpoint template given to us by Christine which has the clip playing inside a TV screen. Tap the screen and the clip begins.
I've also been developing the text message idea from before by introducing the lesson in text speak. This was through a recommendation made by Ollie Bray to use generators such as lingo2word ina previous article in the TES. Introduction above. Soundtransit went well first period, think I'll use it again if it guarantees the same peace and quiet!