Odblog: Pre Donna Marta
Pre Donna Marta
Catgeories: s1 and s2Got a busy day tomorrow, covering quite a few classes (only fair as Miss Armstrong has taken my Advanced Higher away on fieldwork). This is for my s1, and will allow me to collect responses for a wordle. We are beginning to look at cities in Brazil and I want to gauge what your first impressions of a favela are. Here are a few images, please use the comment link underneath to a) list words which you think accurately describe the favela b) would describe how you would feel if you were visiting the area or lived in it:After you have left a comment, I'll be showing you a ten minute video clip, which might reinforce your views or might change them significantly. Your homework will be to comment on the post above with your impressions of life in the Donna Marta favela -see above.