Odblog: Stories from the rubble?
Stories from the rubble?
Categories: s1 and s2
Already feeling like I've been out of school too often this year, so I'm really starting with an apology to my classes. S1 in particular have been left a few times, so tomorrow I'll be giving you some relaxing music to help you with your work- after a brief 'where in the world?' type starter. S2 did the Volcano experiment today. It actually worked, but not as well as some of the pictures and videos. We did get a really thick 'lava' flow, thicker again when I added some extra soda. Got a bit of discussion about the workings of a volcano and a little more about what volcanic regions can do to minimize their impact (diversion ditches etc). Tomorrow, we've got a little bit of work to tidy up and then it's on to earthquakes. I wonder if we could do a bit of scene setting here with a mind movie? An opportunity for a bit of story telling...