Odblog: Lovely Biscuits! (well, just the tin...)
Lovely Biscuits! (well, just the tin...)
Categories: LimestoneThought the limestone lesson with the little experiment went better than it ever has the other day.
Not sure if this is because I am getting competent at teaching it, or because the group of students were so responsive- I think we might go with the latter there though ;) We have since started watching a video about the creation of limestone landscapes, but I think I'll pause the class for a bit at the start of the lesson and use an activity not altogether dissimilar to the 'can of worms' one I blogged about last post. I have in the past asked students to write on a post-it note something about a new topic that they would like to find out, or that so far, they don't understand. I then take in the post-its in a tin, read a few through to the class and then (have to say, this bit never goes down well) tell the students that I'll be coming back round with the tin-at which point, they have to pick one of the post-its out, prepare for a few minutes (or as homework) and then deliver a mini-lesson to the person with the question. Dead simple, but really effective at prompting students to take a bit of responsibility for their learning.