La Defense
Some of you may have tried the
wordmat link in the previous post and then discovered that this was the same mat I originally posted. Apologies,only realised on Friday that I had pasted the wrong link. Both this post and the previous post should now link to the correct resource. Was very pleased with Friday's audio exercises, particularly the coastal dunes one. After initial hilarity and cringeing at their own voices, the quality of work was actually very good and exhibited a good understanding of the topic. I will finish this tomorrow with Higher and hopefully post a few of the results, although the s4 topic may take a little longer as the environmental hazards movies are being shown next period. Remember to save your movie file, and not just the project. For s3 tomorrow, to finish off our Paris case study, a similar
audio exercise. s2 have the classroom in a box to finish the Tokyo projects tomorrow and we will supplement this with our environmental issues work. s1 are completing their map skills and weather assessments before moving on to settlement on Tuesday.