Odblog: Mars Bar Glaciers
Mars Bar Glaciers
Categories: Glaciation, s1 and s2, Geography GeneralI was really pleased with the s6 Higher students today, particularly how quickly you were remembering key terms for glaciation. Tomorrow, I might do a mastermind round for some of the explanations your group were working on with you. I need to go right back to basics tomorrow-how a glacier forms etc, and I'll use two things to do this. I really liked Alan's idea of a year in the life of a glacier. I have used this site so many times, yet can't remember seeing this before. Im going to adapt this for use on the whiteboard as a drag and drop activity to suit the month-This can then make up the basis of a note. I then want to use a photo of the Bosson, which has loads of crevasses as the ice comes over the sheer slope. Mars bar treats as we look at how glaciers move and crevasse formation. Can't remember who had this idea, but used it last year with reasonable success-you can then show ablation in action as you eat it. Maybe a video, then some core work on features of erosion. Some other useful glaciation links on Geography Pages here.Japanese language lessons for s2, and a little starter activity for this topic with two groups. Advanced Higher are looking at this year's paper, layout etc, and I might have more of a look at the Geographical Issues tomorrow.If Friday's weather is decent, double period at the end of the day sounds good for a little outing, but I'm writing this as the rain batters off my sun room roof, so we'll see...