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posted by Kenny O'Donnell @ 9:25 am
more could be commented on the uses of the soil forming factors.
Few talked about evapouration exceeding precipation or vice versaNot a lot of people talked about deconposition in the soils
The first soil profile could include more on the relief and how this affects the formation
Video #2Didnt mention anything about the C horizon. Therefore didn't mention that the parent material remains relatively unaltered within podzol soils, and that it is acid rocks such as granite and schists that give the soil its characteristics.Could also have mentioned that the horizons are very clearly defined due to a lack of organisms, mainly because of the cold climate, and therefore no mixing.- Professor David McDaid
The second last soil profile could mention more about the relief in its formation
more explination on the uses of different soils.
The second Gley soil profile could include more on soil formation factors, like the relief and also mention about the anaerobic conditions
more could be mentioned about the parent material (c) and how the texture is varied.
how soils form from climate to organisms ?
more description on acidic and alkaline quality of the various types of soil.
The first podzol profile could include more on soil formation factors, like the relief, and mention more about the horizons and the organisms present
the type of humus in which the topsoil is enriched.
All the videos are detailed answers but they could use a bit more work on parent materials and factors such as climate and weathering.
The Diagrams for the last video, 'Brown Earth' is exceptional. Also, the facts and explainations are accurate and well presented, although the parent material could be focused on more such as dealing with texture, formation and breakdown.
named examples of plants and organisms found in each types of soils ???
Video #1 Didnt mention that the parent material can be frozen permanently, or for majority of the year, which prevents free drainage.- Mater Chief David McDaid
Podzols video 3 could mention the acidic mor humus.
More could be spoken about the drainage for example illuviation and eluviation. Some more needed about decomposing leaf litter.
In the third soil profile relief should be mentioned in the soil formation factors, as it plays an important part as they are generally steep. Climate should also be mentioned
Some of the videos could have went into a bit more detail....
coniferous or deciduous trees are not mentioned enough.
on the first video (gley soils) you could also write about:-the lack of oxygen in pore space (anaerobic conditions)-chemical reduction occurs prior to translocation-where gleying is intermittent. orange/yellow coloured mottling can occur-horizons generally rich in organic matter intergrading into peat deposites.
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