Categories: Geography General, S1 and s2, Environmental HazardsThis has been doing the rounds for a bit now, and some colleagues and I have already been playing around with
this , but there are loads of potential uses for Woophy. I am thinking about the images for the development topic. Already, a quick browse shows up some real stereotypes
and stereotype busters for certain areas, and I am also thinking it would be good to use with s2 as we move around the world in Earth Forces- particularly if we can use it while an earthquake map is building (I have one saved somewhere at school). I have a lot of links for s2 tomorrow, but don't want to crowd the lesson. Will start with a brief recap on our Earthquake drill-
this might help. I would also like to talk a
little about the Richter Scale, and there is a good animation within
this which shows the increasing power along the scale. Woophy will probably start at San Francisco, as I have a short video to show on this.