Odblog: Voki greetings
Voki greetings
Categories: Geography General, Rural, s1 and s2, GlaciationGet a Voki now!Rob Chambers has started an excellent new blog for using ICT in Geography. He posted tonight on a 'talking head' type application, which I've introduced here (an anime greeting for s2!), but hope to use more fully with other classes. Providing we can access this in school, I would like to use this with s4 tomorrow to create characters to help us answer the question 'Has the Green revolution in India been successful?'. These might include a farm labourer, a farm owner, an Indian government spokesperson and so on. We'll develop it in class, spend some time preparing our arguments and hopefully, publish! I would like to see the arguments being presented, followed by some kind of online vote. Maybe one for the student blog. I might also let s2 have a little play around with this, as there's a good link to Japan ( something that can perhaps be used in later presentations?). Keep being creative as well for the leaflet you're making, some really good ideas so far.I think with s3, I'm going to let you find out a little about glaciation for yourselves, perhaps working in small groups for certain topics- e.g. freeze-thaw, corries, aretes etc, and in your own words, present back to the class through the s3 wiki . Maybe a quiz as follow up to ensure a) accuracy, and b) that other class members have read all the groups work as well as their own.