Categories: s1 and s2, Geography General
More s2-students in the class were asking me the other day about food, talking as we were about some mediterranean foods. I am bringing in dates, olives and a few other goodies later in the week but thought this would be a good time to revisit food miles. Two years ago we did a mini project with s2 on this very topic, and my starting point was Fergus Drennan , pictured in the youtube video above, who is a campaigner for eating wild, local food. I don't think we'll do a project this time, but I'd certainly like to explore the issue of where we should be getting our food from. I'm hoping that tomorrow, we can define what's meant by food miles, understand more about where our food comes from and then look at the issue of international vs local foodstuffs.
In other classes, Higher are going over the first paper of the prelim, which everyone has sat. Some soul searching for a few of us, I think, in terms of whether we are really doing enough for ourselves at this time of year :-( I am hoping that Advanced Higher are armed with some further fieldwork results to be running with, and we still have two Issues essay redrafts to talk through. I think we'll go over your prelim on Wednesday. s1 have Miss McKay running the show tomorrow with myself the support act, so I'll wait on my orders. Meanwhile, I liked this video on adaptation from amybee on the sln forum, many thanks, this will come in handy I am sure :-)