Odblog: Paris, Rio, New Orleans and, um, Soil!
Paris, Rio, New Orleans and, um, Soil!
Suburban Paris Riots 2005 Categories: Urban, s1 and Environmental Hazards, BiosphereQuite an international assortment tomorrow, with the notable exception of Higher. s3 working well through the Paris case study, so a google earth tour,and then some resources for looking at the suburbs, including the 2005 riots movie will be used with half a chance. s1 are looking at Favela do Rocinha in Rio. We will fly in using GE again at the start of the lesson, before watching the Rio video, particularly focusing on people's views on Rio (sometimes surprising). With some VERY, VERY careful editing, some short clips from City of Men could maybe be used as a preamble to this, particularly the bit at the start showing favela organisation. Hurricane mapping from memory with s4 tomorrow, YouTube blocked by the school, but apparently there is a way that I can show some of the Katrina videos of New Orleans in class-will investigate. Finally, Higher have the joys of the Biosphere awaiting-mapping from memory starter (soil profile-not in groups this time), quick terminology quiz and a look at factors affecting soil formation.